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Chapter 5 Other Formats
Chapter Overview
File Formats
CGMÐComputer Graphics Metafile
PICT2, ResourcesÐMacintosh Standard
TIFFÐScanner Companies
CDFÐCommon Data Format
FITSÐFlexible Image Transfer System
.c2.Chapter Overview
This chapter briefly describes several of the currently available
file formats and compares their features with those of HDF.
File Formats
There are numerous data formats in use today, some designed
with objectives very similar to those of HDF. We encounter many
of these at NCSA, and expect to continue to work with them in the
future. The following sections describe some of the important data
formats in use and compare their usability to that of HDF.
CGMÐComputer Graphics
CGM is an ANSI standard format for storing graphics in files,
specifically graphics created with GKS libraries. It covers simple
vectors, polygons, and raster images up to 24 bits deep. Many
computing sites are using CGM, but they are quickly finding its
limitations. For example, CGM does not allow simulation source
data and an image of that data to be in the same file. Some
implementations of CGM are not compatible with others, so there is
now a SLATEC document that explicitly defines a subset of CGM
for all DOE and NSF sites to implement.
The PICT format is extensible and already contains most of the
primitives that are needed, including a one-to-one mapping with
QuickDraw. Two problems with PICT are (1) it is a serial format
and (2) it is proprietary. The Macintosh disk format includes what
are called resources; the resource types are similar to HDF's tags,
assigned for each new need that arises. This also is proprietary
and is a difficult standard to use because MacOS defines most of its
uses for operating system purposes, not generic data storage.
TIFFÐScanner Companies
Microsoft and Aldus developed the TIFF format, which is very
similar to HDF. TIFF defines a linked list of tag blocks in the file,
with each tag block describing one image. There is no mechanism
in place to help the standard grow in a regular fashion. One of the
side effects is that each block of tags describes one frame which ties
the file structure in with the data structure. The developers of TIFF
defined only most of the tags necessary for scanner companies
and then stopped. The irregular use of this standard by
commercial companies makes it a moving target.
CDFÐCommon Data
This calling interface and format was developed at NASA for use
with scientific data sets. It defines all data sets as multi-
dimensional arrays of multiple variables and allows you to
include any number of single variables. The NCAR UNIDATA
project has implemented the Fortran interface and adapted it for
use in C. At NCAR, they use XDR (from Sun) to store the files
instead of the original CDF Fortran method of using multiple files
for one dataset on a VAX. CDF is not a good, transportable file
format, but a very interesting calling interface for storage of
scientific data. Its developers are reportedly working on methods
for storing more than one array element at a time. There are only
eight data types so far, defined as they are in VAX Fortran.
HDF can support many calling interfaces and the CDF interface
may be a good one to support, for it has both C and Fortran
FITSÐFlexible Image
Transfer System
The FITS file format is primarily used for astronomy; it was one
of the first tagged formats. Each tag is an ASCII string in the
header record. The data can be of several types and is stored in
multi-dimensional arrays. The file is in Fortran records of a
fixed length. For Fortran-based systems that store only scientific
data, FITS is still applicable.
PHIGS and PHIGS+ are being adopted as standards for a calling
interface to be used by high performance graphics programs. Most
manufacturers of expensive graphics equipment will be providing
PHIGS interfaces. They have not, as yet, defined a file storage
format for PHIGS calls, so you have to send the source code with
your image. We are interested in adopting a PHIGS compatible
vector/polygon standard in HDF.
5.1 NCSA HDF Specifications
Other Formats 5.1
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
March 1989
5.1 NCSA HDF Specifications
Other Formats 5.1
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
March 1989